Sediment Management in RoR Hydropower Projects, 2022
An international workshop with the theme “Planning & Design of Hydropower Headworks in Sediment Loaded Rivers” was organised at Kathmandu, Nepal on 03 - 08 November 2022. The workshop was jointly organized by Hydro Lab, Nepal and International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway. It was the tenth workshop in a series jointly organized by Hydro Lab and ICH since 2001, including one workshop at Chhukha, Bhutan.
The workshop was attended by 22 participants from 3 different countries namely Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The participants were professionals from different governmental and private organizations including developers, consultants and researchers.
The weeklong workshop began with lectures conducted by the experienced professionals from academic institutions, hydropower developers, research organizations and consulting firms, who shared their experiences on various topics related to the main theme of the workshop. The participants were also given an opportunity to present and share their experience during group presentations. Additionally, group exercises were also conducted during the training session.
Following is the list of the lectures delivered during the workshop:
Key note lecture on Planning and Design of Hydropower Headworks in Sediment Loaded Rivers
Hydraulics and sediment transport in Himalayan Rivers
Conceptual hydraulic design of hydropower headworks in Himalayan Rivers (Part 1, RoR type)
Headworks design guidelines of Nepal
Conceptual hydraulic design of hydropower headworks in Himalayan Rivers (Part 2, PRoR type) - Dr. Haakon Støle, Sediment Systems/Hydro Lab
Impact of water induced disaster on headworks: A Case study of Bhote Koshi Hydropower Project
Design and implementation of boulder lined weirs at hydropower headworks
Design of civil structures of the headworks of hydropower projects
Design of settling basins
Selection and design of flushing systems for settling basins
Layout and design of fish passage at the headworks of RoR and PRoR projects
Consideration of impact of climate change in hydropower headworks design
Design consideration of hydro-mechanical works in hydropower headworks
Physical hydraulic modelling - A tool for hydraulic design of hydropower headworks in sediment loaded rivers (Part 1)
Improving hydraulic performance of existing headworks using physical model: A Case study of Kaligandaki HEP, Nepal
Closing of the workshop programme was carried out on 08 November 2022.

Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd.
International Centre for Hydropower