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The International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway and Hydro lab, Nepal in association with Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) proudly invite you to a national workshop titled "Planning and Design of Hydropower Tunnels in Himalayan Geology" to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal. This workshop offers you, within the framework of lectures, laboratory experiments and field excursions, better insight in planning and design of tunnels and other underground structures for hydropower projects and it also oversees mitigation of underground works related problems. Senior professionals involved with hydropower tunnel design will share their experiences through lectures, field visits and laboratory test demonstrations. The knowledge gained from the workshop is expected to be beneficial for the planning and design of tunnels in fragile Himalayan geological terrain.

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Are you developing hydropower/water resources projects in steep sediment-loaded Himalayan Rivers? If yes, feel free to contact us. We can assist you in preventing from investment failure by carrying out physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab is the only research organisation in Nepal having experience and expertise in physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab welcomes developers, engineers, researchers, bankers and investors to visit the lab. Our past and on going works are ready for demonstration.

Hydro Lab has expertise in sediment studies, hydro turbine efficiency measurement and hydrometry.




News & Events



The International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway and Hydro lab, Nepal in association with Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) proudly invite you to a national workshop titled “Planning and Design of Hydropower Tunnels in Himalayan Geology” to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal. This workshop offers you, within the framework of lectures, laboratory experiments and field excursions, better insight in planning and design of tunnels and other underground structures for hydropower projects and it also oversees mitigation of underground works related problems. Senior professionals involved with hydropower tunnel design will share their experiences through lectures, field visits and laboratory test demonstrations. The knowledge gained from the workshop is expected to be beneficial for the planning and design of tunnels in fragile Himalayan geological terrain.

Target Group

The main target group is experienced professionals engaged in hydropower tunnel planning, design and operation in the Himalayan region. Candidates should hold at least B.Sc. degree in civil, geotechnical, hydropower or water resources engineering, and engineering geology or have an equivalent background in the fundamental engineering aspects of a hydropower systems. The target group includes former participants on ICH training courses, seminars and conferences, former students of NTNU M.Sc. Programme in Hydropower Development, other personnel from power companies, utilities and government departments. The total number of participants will be about 20.

Time and Venue

The workshop will start on Tuesday, 28th November and end on Friday 01st December 2023 in Kathmandu. The participants will be given training in Kathmandu for the first two days through lectures and laboratory tests demonstration and then given the opportunity to experience the nature of the problems to be investigated, preferably in the field at hydropower project (under construction) site during an excursion, the participants will then be taken back to Kathmandu.

Admission Conditions

The major portion of the workshop expenses is sponsored by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). Therefore, the participant or their institution shall have to bear only a nominal registration fee of NPR 15,000 per participant. Selected participants shall pay the corresponding registration fee before 10 November 2023.

Preliminary Programme

Tentative Program

Day and time Activities Thematic areas
Tuesday, 28 November 2023 Programme opening and lectures Introduction, utilization of rock mass, geology and tunnel layout Site investigation and laboratory testing
Wednesday, 29 November 2023 Lectures and laboratory tests demonstration Rock mass classification, tunnel and underground structures design Case study and others
Thursday, 30 November 2023 Visit to nearby hydropower Project (under construction)
Friday, 01 December 2023 Programme closing and travelling back to Kathmandu



The number of workshop participants will be limited to 20. Application deadline is set to 30 October, 2023. Interested participants are requested to visit the website of International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway. The online application is available at www.ich.no. In case if there is a problem with the online application, please contact Mr. Durga Prasad Bashyal, Senior Researcher, Hydro Lab, at the address given below. Selected participants will be notified within 3rd November, 2023.

Contact details:

Mr. Durga Prasad Bashyal
Senior Researcher
Hydro Lab
Institute of Engineering Premises
Krishna Galli, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
GPO Box 21093, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 5439185, 5439186

E-mail:info@hydrolab.org; dpb@hydrolab.org

About The Organisers

The International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway is an international capacity building organisation focused on providing the transfer of knowledge through organizing trainings, workshops and seminars designed to develop competencies for the energy sector and promote the sustainable development of hydropower resources. ICH is a non-profit organisation based on institutional membership. ICH develops and effectuates its programs independently and in partnership with other organisations.

Hydro Lab is a well-equipped independent hydraulic research laboratory, established in 1998 with the objective to assist in the achievement of national development goals by providing an effective base for research and development, training and consultancy services in the field of hydraulics and sedimentation related to water resources development in Nepal and internationally. Hydro Lab has gradually expanded its activities including prototype turbine efficiency testing, settling basin performance tests, reservoir sedimentation study, hydraulic design, design review of headworks and has also established geotechnical laboratory to provide geotechnical and geological testing and investigation services. Knowledge sharing through training/workshops and providing research opportunity to MSc and PhD students from different universities from Nepal and abroad are also some of the important activities of Hydro Lab.

NTA is a professional organization with 150 life members and 12 corporate members. It was established in 2011 for sharing knowledge and experiences in the area of tunnel and other underground structures. It is a non-profit making voluntary organization



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International Centre for Hydropower

Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA)
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