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"Planning & Design of Hydropower Headworks in Sediment Loaded Rivers"

The International workshop jointly organised by Hydro Lab, Nepal and International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway was successfully completed. The workshop was conducted from 03 - 08 November 2022. The opening session, chaired by Mr. Shiva Kumar Sharma, Chairman Hydro Lab, was started with the welcome speech from Dr. Meg B. Bishwakarma, General Manager, Hydro Lab. The programme was addressed by Mr. Tom Solberg, Project Director, ICH and the special guest, Ms. Torun Dramdal, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy. Finally, the opening session was completed with the key note lecture from Prof. Dr. Haakon Støle, Sediment Systems, Norway.

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Are you developing hydropower/water resources projects in steep sediment-loaded Himalayan Rivers? If yes, feel free to contact us. We can assist you in preventing from investment failure by carrying out physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab is the only research organisation in Nepal having experience and expertise in physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab welcomes developers, engineers, researchers, bankers and investors to visit the lab. Our past and on going works are ready for demonstration.

Hydro Lab has expertise in sediment studies, hydro turbine efficiency measurement and hydrometry.




News & Events

Workshop on Sediment Sensitive Operations of Hydropower Systems 2016

An international workshop themed on 'Sediment Sensitive Operations of Hydropower Systems' held on 05 - 11 April 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal has been successfully completed. The workshop was jointly organized by Hydro Lab Pvt Ltd (Hydro Lab), Nepal and International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway. It was the sixth in a series of workshops being jointly organized by Hydro Lab and ICH since 2001.

The workshop was attended by 24 participants from 4 different countries namely Bhutan, Nepal, Norway and Sri Lanka. The participants were professionals from different governmental and private organizations including developers, consultants, academicians and researchers.

The weeklong workshop began with lectures conducted by the experienced professionals, from academic institutions, hydropower developers, research organizations and consulting firms, who shared their experiences on various topics related to the main theme of the workshop. Besides lectures, the workshop also included demonstrations of physical hydraulic models and the relevant laboratory experiments for acquiring practical knowledge on sediment management in hydropower systems and a field visit to 69 MW Marsyangdi Hydropower plant. Besides the lectures, willing participants were also given an opportunity to present and share their experiences during country presentations.

Following are the topics of the lectures conducted in the workshop:

  1. Key note lecture on ‘Global perspective on sediment management.’
  2. Cost-effective Sediment Handling in RoR Hydropower Plants
  3. Country presentations on sediment management practices in hydropower plants
  4. Research and Development on Sediment Sensitive Design of Turbines
  5. Sediment Monitoring and Operation of Hydropower Plants
  6. Lessons Learnt from the Operation of Jhimruk Hydropower Plant in a Sediment Context
  7. Measurement of Turbine Efficiency by the Thermodynamic Method
  8. Sediment Management Challenges in the Middle Marsyangdi Hydropower Plant
  9. Do Headworks Perform as Promised and Planned?
  10. Lessons Learnt from the Sediment Management in Khimti I Hydropower Plant
  11. Sustainable Operation of Peaking Reservoirs
  12. Alternative Solution for Sediment Exclusion in RoR
  13. Hydropower Plants
  14. Improving Sediment Handling at Existing RoR Hydropower Plants

The closing programme and a feedback session were held on 11 April 2016 in Kathmandu. Certificates were also distributed to the participants during the closing programme by the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Triratna Bajracharya, Dean of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.


For more information and to register your interest, please send an e-mail to info@hydrolab.org




Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd.


International Centre for Hydropower
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