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Sediment Sensitive Operations of Hydropower Systems
The International workshop jointly organised by Hydro Lab, Nepal and International Centre for Hydropower (ICH), Norway from 05 – 11 April 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal has been successfully completed. Prof. Dr. Triratna Bajracharya, Dean of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal honoured the Closing session as the Chief Guest and Mr. Murali Prasad Sharma, Chairman, PEEDA/Hydro Lab as the Chairperson………
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Are you developing hydropower/water resources projects in steep sediment-loaded Himalayan Rivers? If yes, feel free to contact us. We can assist you in preventing from investment failure by carrying out physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab is the only research organisation in Nepal having experience and expertise in physical hydraulic model studies.

Hydro Lab welcomes developers, engineers, researchers, bankers and investors to visit the lab. Our past and on going works are ready for demonstration.

Hydro Lab has expertise in sediment studies, hydro turbine efficiency measurement and hydrometry.




News & Events

Sediment Workshop 2010

Hydro Lab in coordination with International Centre for Hydropower organized an international workshop titled "Sediment Workshop 2010" with the theme "Sediment Management for Sustainable Development of Hydropower". The workshop was held from 15 to 20 November 2010 in Kathmandu. Altogether 21 participants from 7 different countries participated this workshop.

The objective of this workshop was to create awareness among the engineers, planners and developers to address the sediment issues in planning and design of hydropower project in sediment loaded rivers. Some hands on practice and field visits were also included in the workshop.

The workshop was opened by a short inaugural programme held on 15 November 2010 at United World Trade Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Chief Guest for the Inaugural Programme was The Honourable Member of National Planning Commission, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Devkota. Welcome speech was delivered by The General Manager, Dr. Meg B. Bishwakarma, Hydro Lab. A Key note Lecture on "A new framework for flow and sediment gauging networks" was delivered by Prof. Haakon Støle, NTNU / Hydro Lab.

The duration of the workshop was 7 days. The core content was a combination of lectures on sediment issues and challenges, method of measurements, laboratory analysis of sediment samples and a field visit to visualize sedimentation and associated problems in hydropower plant. Most of the theoretical input was in Kathmandu, and the laboratory analyses and demonstrations were carried out at Hydro Lab. A field visit to Middle Marsyangdi Hydropower Plant was made to observe the landscape of the country as well as to give an impression of the hydropower plants in Nepal.

Highlight of the workshop programme is given below:

  1. Theory of sediment transport
  2. Sediment Transport in Himalayan Rivers
  3. Country presentations on sediment management practices in hydropower plants
  4. Sediment measurement: Field activities and Laboratory analyses
  5. Sediment study and management in Middle Marsyangdi Hydropower Plant
  6. Sediment data collection and physical hydraulic model study of the headworks of Mai Hydropower Project
  7. Laboratory experiments and demonstration of models
  8. The role of sediment study in hydropower development
  9. Real-time monitoring of suspended sediment
  10. Mineralogical analysis of suspended sediment
  11. Use of sediment data in Likhu Hydropower Project, Nepal
  12. Use of sediment data in turbine design
  13. Visit to Middle Marsyangdi Hydropower Plant
  14. Programme review and closing

The closing programme and a feedback session were held on 20.11.2010 in Pokhara. Mr. Tore Jorgensen from ICH distributed certificate to the participants. The workshop program was closed on the way on 20th November 2010. Most of the participants left Kathmandu on 21st November.


For more information and to register your interest, please send an e-mail to info@hydrolab.org




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International Centre for Hydropower
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